Friday, August 3, 2012


Dinah and Oliver Witte have been friends for decades. Oliver is a journalist (He wrote about our solar panels at, a journalism professor, and is in the process of writing a dissertation for his doctorate. We visited him at a restaurant and at his home in Carbondale, IL
Oliver at his computer working on his thesis
 The next stop was in Chicago to visit Dinah’s sister Pat and brother-in-law Dick. Our original plan had been to attend their 50th anniversary party at the end of June but Dinah’s leg problems delayed us. We missed the party, but had them all to ourselves for a full day.
We spent an afternoon and morning visiting Pat & Dick
On to Grafton, WI to visit Linda & Warner Schafer. Linda has been in and out of the hospital for two years now and continues to have serious health problems. On this visit we found her to be somewhat better.
We visited with Dinah’s brother Bob, his wife Ellen, their son Steve, and his wife Ann.  Dinah pumped them all for information and opinions on the iPhone and iPad, and even had them take her to the local Apple store … twice!
Next, we visited with Allen’s navy buddy Mike Sherman and his wife Martha.  They have been on the road as full-time RVers for about a year and are spending the summer near family.  We met them in Montello, WI where we strolled around downtown, had lunch, and chatted. I walked around their RV park with them and their new dog, Maddie Wigglebottom.
Lunch with Mike & Martha
 Dinah visited the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN as a drop in patient hoping they would be able to help her with her spine problems.  We had hoped they would accept her and had allowed time to stay there for a while if necessary.  But they required a referral from one of her doctors which she did not have, so she decided to try again at another time.
We moved on to a Corp of Engineers park on the Mississippi River.

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