Monday, December 29, 2014

Cat Scratch Trouble

Our cat Buttercup enjoys climbing our window blinds, and on 24 December she got a rear claw caught. Dinah found her hanging upside down with one rear paw entangled in the blinds.
In the process of rescuing Buttercup, Dinah got a few puncture wounds from Buttercup's claws. So we spent Christmas Eve in the emergency room where Dinah was treated and released, but told to come back the next day.
By the time we returned to the hospital on Christmas day redness was expanding up her arm and she was admitted to the hospital where she spent four days on an antibiotic drip.
She was released on 29 December and both she and Buttercup are fine.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A New Knee

Dinah continued her quest to become fully bionic by adding a new left knee to her two hips and two lenses.After a couple of days at the Specialty Hospital in El Paso, she moved to the Rehab Hospital in Las Cruces until 2 December when she "graduated" and was released to come home.

Dinah graduates from rehab
She continues with outpatient therapy and has a way to go before she will be able to walk normally.