The last stop of our summer travels was the Escapees RV Club rally - Escapade - At Cam-Plex in Gillette, Wyoming. Escapade offers a chance to visit with friends, attend RV related seminars, visit RV related venders, and enjoy evening entertainment. We arrived a day early, on Saturday, 27 August and spent time with Lee & Marsha Squires; at our wedding at the 2005 spring Escapade, Marsha was the matron of honor and Lee gave the bride away.
Dinah spent one day as a volunteer assistant for a quilting class. I helped organize the annual meeting of the HFH BoF (Habitat for Humanity Birds of a Feather group). BoFs are interest groups within the Escapees RV club - sub clubs if you will.
I attended five seminars conducted by Geeks On Tour. All on Computer subjects, all expertly presented, and all of great interest to me. As a result, I now:
Manage my pictures with Picasa 3 - a free program from Google
I have started this blog, using
I have updated my streets & trips program from 2005 to 2011
The five days of Escapade passed quickly. We chose to stay parked at Cam-Plex until Tuesday morning, 6 September to avoid the Labor Day weekend traffic.
Spotted in a Walmart parking lot |