Saturday, September 24, 2011

Allen's 50th High School Reunion

In 1960, Newton Massachusetts opened a new high school, Newton South. So after a Sophomore and Junior year at Newton North, I transferred to Newton South and graduated in 1961, 50 years ago.
Good old Newton South High

I recognized almost no one at the two reunion get-togethers - they're all old!

Nancy Hewitt

Sally Day and me

The reunion included a tour of the new Newton North High School.  Opened in the fall of 2010, it is one of the most expensive high schools ever built in Massachusetts at almost two hundred million dollars!
Floor plan of the 1st floor of the new Newton North High School

It includes an enormous gym with an indoor track, a basketball court with spectator seats, and an indoor pool.  There is a culinary arts program, automotive and carpentry facilities, and a print shop.
The Graphic Arts room where printing for the City of Newton is done

There was to be a tour of South High as well, but the tour guide didn't appear and we had to be satisfied with a walk around the outside of the buildings.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Escapade - Gillette, WY

The last stop of our summer travels was the Escapees RV Club rally - Escapade - At Cam-Plex in Gillette, Wyoming. Escapade offers a chance to visit with friends, attend RV related seminars, visit RV related venders, and enjoy evening entertainment. We arrived a day early, on Saturday, 27 August and spent time with Lee & Marsha Squires; at our wedding at the 2005 spring Escapade, Marsha was the matron of honor and Lee gave the bride away.
Dinah spent one day as a volunteer assistant for a quilting class.  I helped organize the annual meeting of the HFH BoF (Habitat for Humanity Birds of a Feather group). BoFs are interest groups within the Escapees RV club - sub clubs if you will.

I attended five seminars conducted by Geeks On Tour.  All on Computer subjects, all expertly presented, and all of great interest to me.  As a result, I now:
Manage my pictures with Picasa 3 - a free program from Google
I have started this blog, using
I have updated my streets & trips program from 2005 to 2011

The five days of Escapade passed quickly.  We chose to stay parked at Cam-Plex until Tuesday morning, 6 September to avoid the Labor Day weekend traffic.
Spotted in a Walmart parking lot